MMP Game Dev #3?
We're looking for ideas for articles that readers of this blog would like to see featured in a possible third edition of Massively Multi-Player Game Development!
Could be stuff like:
Use the comments feature below to let us know what would be of interest to you!
Could be stuff like:
What do you need to know to run a live service?
Why is it so hard to balance classes, virtual economies and defeat exploits?
Where to find investors for your MMO project?
When is the right time to ban cheaters?
How to use invisible monkey spawners to keep your world populated with monsters?
Use the comments feature below to let us know what would be of interest to you!
Cool - Can't wait for MPGD3!
I'd like to know about managing a virtual economy and dealing with inflation in an mmo game.
Anonymous, at Tue Aug 01, 10:05:00 AM 2006
My son (19) loves games. I'll tell him about this site.
Anonymous, at Sun Aug 06, 01:28:00 PM 2006
I want to learn about how to handle billing and customer support issues for a MMO. How big of a staff do I need for each 10k subs? How do I handle charge-backs? Cancellations?
Anonymous, at Mon Aug 07, 10:22:00 AM 2006
sorry to ask this here, but I didn't find a better place.
Are there any errata for the first MMP Game Dev book?
For example article 2.1 about Building a MMP Game Simulation Framework misses the UML class diagram of the SimulationObject class. Instead the one of the Actor class is printed twice.
All in all it was a great book to read! If the second book is as good as this, I am definately going to buy it soon! Then I can also comment here about what I'd like to know :)
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 17, 09:39:00 AM 2006
Yes you can find the correction here:
foolkilla, at Thu Aug 17, 10:23:00 AM 2006
Hey, that was fast! Thanks a lot!
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 17, 10:27:00 AM 2006
I'd like to see an examination of the various middleware tools available for rapid MMO development (Kaneva, BigWorld, other emerging tech).
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 17, 09:53:00 PM 2006
What advances in technology are emerging or coming our way that will let us see a more fully developed and more intelligent AI platform?
Anonymous, at Sat Sep 30, 10:23:00 PM 2006
Hey Thor, Shea here from GPG5 and MMPGD2. Hopefully I will get ahold of you via email here sometime shortly. Keep me informed on the possibility of MMPG3 solidifying more. I am more than willing to contribute again and give any other help you may need to get things moving or during production. With GPG7 on the horizon and now MMPGD3 almost around the corner I don't want to be torn between to books like I was last time. Hope to talk to you again soon.
Anonymous, at Mon Oct 16, 02:47:00 PM 2006
Knowing more about virtual economies and the best way to handle them is something I'm interested in.
Anonymous, at Fri Oct 20, 03:22:00 AM 2006
Great Stuff - Keep it coming!
foolkilla, at Sat Oct 21, 09:06:00 AM 2006
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