All ye who enter here be doomed!
As if this year's GDC rant was not enough to convince everyone that innovation in the game industry was a thing of the past now everyone’s favorite tech curmudgeon is calling a top and declaring that the industry is doomed.
Physics. Real-Time physics are next and after that believable character AI and then things will really start cooking when we innovate new interfaces and gameplay based on voice recognition.

Get the picture?
When the John Carmack’s,Tim Sweeney’s and John Ratcliff's of the industry get bored writing networked 3d rendering engines they will bring their drive and genius to the neglected sectors of game development. Keep those next-gen platforms coming because once we have photo-realistic rendering we’ll still have plenty of work for faster processors.
Didn’t someone once say something equally stupid like “no one will ever need more than 640k”?
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None of this will save a doomed industry. The business is going to attempt to sustain growth and creativity by making game players buy newer and newer machines. Computer gaming has always been sustained by never-ending improvements in resolution and realism. But once we get to photorealism, what is going to sustain growth?
Physics. Real-Time physics are next and after that believable character AI and then things will really start cooking when we innovate new interfaces and gameplay based on voice recognition.

Get the picture?
When the John Carmack’s,Tim Sweeney’s and John Ratcliff's of the industry get bored writing networked 3d rendering engines they will bring their drive and genius to the neglected sectors of game development. Keep those next-gen platforms coming because once we have photo-realistic rendering we’ll still have plenty of work for faster processors.
I really can't imagine this scene continuing as it is for much longer. I suspect that the next generation of machines will be the last—or at least the last in the current boom market. It will be downhill from there.
Didn’t someone once say something equally stupid like “no one will ever need more than 640k”?
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