Welcome aboard John Donham!
John Donham from Sony Online Entertainment has joined the MMP Game Development Blog Team!
As Vice President of Product Development for Sony Online Entertainment's San Diego studio, John Donham manages the teams producing EverQuest, EverQuest II, EverQuest Online Adventures, PlanetSide, two products under development, and SOE's publishing projects including Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms.
John started in the online game industry over twelve years ago as a programmer and designer for commercial text-based MUD companies Novalink (Legends) and Simutronics (GemStone III, DragonRealms). Beginning in '95, John worked as a producer and designer at Simutronics for several MMP products: DragonRealms, ArchMage, Hercules and Xena, and CyberStrike 2. During this time, John also helped manage Simutronics' transition from a dependency upon online services (such as AOL and CompuServe) to a service-independent internet game company, helping create the infrastructure needed to run an online game service (web site, billing system, customer service tools, 24/7 monitoring of the game products). In 1998 and 1999, he managed all product development and live products at Simutronics. In 1999, John moved on to Outrage Entertainment, where he helped the company grow from one development team to two, and he produced the early stages of the single player console products, Munukuru and Alter Echo. In 2000, John joined Sony Online Entertainment as a Senior Producer, shipped Star Wars Galaxies in 2003, and managed the Galaxies live team for the first several months after launch. John then moved on to be the Director of Development for the San Diego studio, and helped ship EQ: Gates of Discord, EQ: Omens of War and EverQuest II. John has led SOE's San Diego studio development since October 2004.
Thanks John!
As Vice President of Product Development for Sony Online Entertainment's San Diego studio, John Donham manages the teams producing EverQuest, EverQuest II, EverQuest Online Adventures, PlanetSide, two products under development, and SOE's publishing projects including Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms.
John started in the online game industry over twelve years ago as a programmer and designer for commercial text-based MUD companies Novalink (Legends) and Simutronics (GemStone III, DragonRealms). Beginning in '95, John worked as a producer and designer at Simutronics for several MMP products: DragonRealms, ArchMage, Hercules and Xena, and CyberStrike 2. During this time, John also helped manage Simutronics' transition from a dependency upon online services (such as AOL and CompuServe) to a service-independent internet game company, helping create the infrastructure needed to run an online game service (web site, billing system, customer service tools, 24/7 monitoring of the game products). In 1998 and 1999, he managed all product development and live products at Simutronics. In 1999, John moved on to Outrage Entertainment, where he helped the company grow from one development team to two, and he produced the early stages of the single player console products, Munukuru and Alter Echo. In 2000, John joined Sony Online Entertainment as a Senior Producer, shipped Star Wars Galaxies in 2003, and managed the Galaxies live team for the first several months after launch. John then moved on to be the Director of Development for the San Diego studio, and helped ship EQ: Gates of Discord, EQ: Omens of War and EverQuest II. John has led SOE's San Diego studio development since October 2004.
Thanks John!
I remember back when John used to run around Legends terrorizing the players with a giant crayon.
Ah, the olden days!
Anonymous, at Tue Feb 07, 08:18:00 PM 2006
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